Borghetti Caffe Espresso 750 ML
The real espresso-coffee liqueur. Made with the original recipe created by Ugo Borghetti in 1860, it is a liqueur obtained from real espresso coffee. Its flavour is typically Italian, characterised by a special blend of the best coffee qualities from different regions of the world, prepared in huge coffee pots. Caffè Borghetti is distributed both in Italy and abroad, and is a success everywhere. Also, its packaging has a special vintage charm: the label design is still based on the original one, which was revisited to enhance the rich intensity of dark red and gold.
Drink it straight, with ice or mixed.
750 ML
The real espresso-coffee liqueur. Made with the original recipe created by Ugo Borghetti in 1860, it is a liqueur obtained from real espresso coffee. Its flavour is typically Italian, characterised by a special blend of the best coffee qualities from different regions of the world, prepared in huge coffee pots.Caffè Borghetti is distributed both in Italy and abroad, and is a success everywhere. Also, its packaging has a special vintage charm: the label design is still based on the original one, which was revisited to enhance the rich intensity of dark red and gold.
Caffè Borghetti, crafted from Ugo Borghetti’s original 1860 recipe, is the true espresso coffee liqueur. It was originally made to celebrate the inauguration of the famous Italian Pescara-Ancona railway line.
Aromatic, with a sweet, soft, enveloping taste, Caffè Borghetti has a rich and intense aroma and a pleasant aftertaste of espresso coffee, capable of conquering on every occasion. The product reflects the Italian traditions that have become the hallmark of our culture.
Size | 750 ML |
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