Ciroc Mango Flavored French Vodka 750 ML
CÎROC Mango is a rich tasting spirit made with vodka distilled five times from fine French grapes. The spirit is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of mango and other natural flavors, resulting in a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth. Enjoy on the rocks, as a shot or mixed in your favorite cocktail.
35% ABV / 70 Proof
750 ML
CÎROC Mango is a rich tasting spirit made with vodka distilled five times from fine French grapes. The spirit is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of mango and other natural flavors, resulting in a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth. Enjoy on the rocks, as a shot or mixed in your favorite cocktail.
Size | 750 ML |
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