Veuve Clicquot Rich 750Ml

Veuve Clicquot Rich 750Ml

750 ML


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Based on the modern notion of Champagne as the epitome of fine bubbly, it’s hard to imagine Champagne originated as a still wine. First planted by the ancient Romans, the vineyards of Champagne have been thriving for centuries. According to legend, in the year 496, the first king of France was anointed with wine from the Champagne region. For a millennium, the coronations of France’s kings were held in Reims, in the heart of Champagne. The festivities always involved Champagne wine, perhaps beginning the historical association of Champagne with important celebrations.

Based on the modern notion of Champagne as the epitome of fine bubbly, it’s hard to imagine Champagne originated as a still wine. First planted by the ancient Romans, the vineyards of Champagne have been thriving for centuries. According to legend, in the year 496, the first king of France was anointed with wine from the Champagne region. For a millennium, the coronations of France’s kings were held in Reims, in the heart of Champagne. The festivities always involved Champagne wine, perhaps beginning the historical association of Champagne with important celebrations.