An exceptional rye whiskey and a successful example of the special style and extraordinary quality of Willett Distillery. With one of the best rye whiskeys and meanwhile already a rarity, because Willett no longer delivers single barrel bottlings and the stocks still available on the market are getting smaller and smaller.
Medium-bodied barrel strength whiskey; much as the 2-year expression, this drinks surprisingly elegant for a Cask Strength Rye Whiskey. There is the initial spice punch, but it dissipates rather quickly into a very enjoyable sweet/spice combination.
Appearance: Light copper.
Nose: Lots of fresh mint, vanilla, candied orange peel, anise, hint of cotton candy, rye spice, a bit of honey, aromatic pipe tobacco, toasted oak. Water brings out lavender and raspberry jam. An excellent balance of sweetness, spice, citrus, and herbal notes.
Taste: Lots of orange up front, Demerara sugar, mixed fresh herbs, Pixy Stix. Water brings out berries, fresh whipped cream, dried apricot, and black tea. The tartness provides a striking contrast to the herbal notes and really centers this whiskey.
Finish: Spice arrives first in the form of pepper and clove, prominent wood char, Lemonheads, a bit of cherry cola, and fresh mint. That cola note becomes clearer with water. Mint remains throughout the finish and a dry (almost earthy) wood spice lingers for a good long while.
Hand Bottled from Barrel #6212